Thursday, April 21, 2011


Mother's Loving Hands

Hands that have
 played as a child,
 and as she grew, these hands worked in the garden in the morning,
 baked and cooked in the afternoon to feed her family, and many times, friends, at night.
These hands
 worked full time,
 unselfishly volunteered her time,
 bathed her children on Saturday nights, helping them with their Sunday School lessons,
 nursing her children when they were sick, loving her husband unconditionally.
These hands held
 her husband’s hand for 72 yrs.,
 her children’s hands for over 71 yrs.,
 her grandchildren’s hands for over 45 yrs. And her great-children’s hands for over 20 yrs.
These are the softest, kindest hands I first held.
Your loving hands have touched many lives.

1 comment:

Traci Kenitzer said...

WOW. Well put that was precious and amazing, thank you.