Happy Birthday to "My Man"
I have been with you for 39 years starting April 23rd. It's amazing to think of it "in years", but it seems like yesterday that I met you, held your hand for the first time at Nine Mile Creek, thinking to myself "there's something different about this guy, and I like what my heart is saying to me". This magical day happened a week after your birthday.
You are my sole mate, my best friend, my lover. You are there for me when I'm sad, when I don't feel good, when I'm cranky, when I'm giddy and giggly. You have helped me to grow, to learn and to become the person who I am today. You are THE MOST PATIENT man I have EVER known!! and I love you more than you realize. More than I show you. More than I can EVER even express to you. Happy Birthday Skip and thank you for blessing me with so much joy and love.