Friday, July 17, 2009

and another!!

If you think you'll NEVER be a grandparent, be patient.
Before you know it, you may find yourself surrounded!
We are not exactly "surrounded", BUT we are not only waiting for a grand-daughter to be born in about 3 weeks, but we just found out that another grandchild will arrive next spring. Paisley, I hope you are ready to be the big sister, the oldest cousin and mentor. You have your job cut out for you and I know you will be wonderful!! At times you will love being the oldest and other times you won't.
Keep in mind, no matter where you are placed in the family, you are special. Whether you are the first born, last, middle or middle of the are unique and no other is exactly like you. God knows everything about you.
You have a purpose, you have your own talents, and path that you will walk unlike any other person has ever walked. Not one is more loved than the other, not one is more special than the other. Each is loved the same.
I cannot wait to spend time with our grandchildren, getting to know each one.
What a blessing!

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